Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery-Global OpenRead Article

Comparative Analysis of a New Automatic System and Four Existing Techniques for Autologous Fat Grafting

Nelissen, Xavier MD*; Licciardi, Séverine MS†; Nizet, Christophe MD*; Delay, Emmanuel MD‡; Roche, Régis PhD†”

The ADIPURE device provides superior results compared to traditional methods.

ADIMATE integrates software and protocols developed specifically for surgical applications, based on the most recent scientific studies on autologous grafts and adipose tissue biology, as well as several years of R&D.

The innovation and efficacy of our technologies mean that adipose tissue can now be used as an addition, or alternative to silicone implants.


Lipofilling is a surgical procedure in which adipose tissue (fat) is transferred from one area of a patient’s body to another.

The technique is very common in breast reconstruction after breast cancer, as well as for breast augmentation with or without implants. It is also frequently used for gluteal (buttocks) augmentation.

Worldwide, lipofilling represents more than a million procedures per year for these indications alone.

The principle consists in removing fat by liposuction, purifying it and then re-injecting it in the desired area. The purification step is essential to obtain a high quality adipose tissue which guarantees the efficacy of the graft while ensuring low tissue resorption after injection.

Our devices allow us to envisage 90% grafting efficiency, reducing the number of surgical procedures required to obtain the volume desired, especially in breast reconstruction.